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Recruitment & Selection 

This page shows several hypothetical pieces I have created related to recruitment and selection. By identifying the job requirements and knowing how best to reach our target audience an organization can ensure they are receiving the best applicants for the position. 

These pieces demonstrate my professional writing, research, and creativity. All of the pieces are hypothetical and do not reflect commissioned work by any of the agencies used.

Program Benefits 

An important part of attracting talent to your organization is the total compensation package offered. This includes the base salary and any additional value items such as paid vacation, sick leave and EAP’s. With the stress that the pandemic has put on people in the last year, many organizations are ensuring their employees are being offered mental health support. This project represents a program announcement for a value-added employee assistance program for mental health support by a hypothetical agency called Rainforest Mental Health.


For full project details please see PDF ->

Recruitment Advertisment 

This piece represents a mock HR job posting. The job post includes a social media release with a link to the application page, as well as, a posting for a recruitment site. The goal of the posting is to attract an individual with the right competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities who also holds similar values and beliefs as Take Me Outside.  As stated in the article written by Neelie Verlinden, recruiting through social media shows applicants that you embrace technology and can reach a more specific like-minded audience (2018).

My Post.jpg

For full project details please see PDF ->

New Hire Media Release 

After the best-qualified candidate has been selected, it is important to let the rest of the organization know and if necessary create a media release. Creating a media release can also be important if the individual you have hired will attract further positive media attention.

This piece is a media release for an HR position that I imagined myself obtaining after completing my CPHR certification. It represents my writing skills.

Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 8.10.15 PM.png

For full project details please see PDF ->

Media Release
Recruitment Advertisment
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